FluidSolid [Business Design]

Open Innovation, Trendwatching, Design Consultancy

YEAR: 2012

Master thesis project (Business Design, Domus Academy)

The way we look at problems and situations is influenced by our mental frameworks, by the contexts in which we operate and by the way we look at things. Knowledge gaps, together with time and energy constraints, limit creativity and make it hard to pursue a truly interdisciplinary approach and to trespass the borders between different fields and disciplines.
FluidSolid intends to bridge these gaps, to facilitate the dialogue and the exchange between different disciplines, and to generate innovation through the creation of new perspectives and connections. It is meant to be the first online platform that provides open access to entrepreneurial creativity and innovative solutions across different fields and industries, using the knowledge from previous best practices in order to generate novel solutions.

Clizia Welker
Strategic Designer Modena, Italy